

Halfway through my pregnancy and I can’t help but think I should be planning a nursery, saving cute pictures on Pinterest for all of the inspiration. I feel like so much has been taken away from me. Not only my sweet baby, but the joy of growing a life and dreaming about life with him.

How could this be part of God’s plan? To be honest, I don’t think that it is. I don’t think he would wish this heartache for anyone. He, alone, is the only one that could save us from this heartbreaking and sinful world.

One morning, I was drowning in sadness and fear, thinking the world couldn’t be more awful. Something I learned during my pregnancy is how kind some people truly are. You find out who truly loves and cares for you when you have nothing to offer them. Family and friends that show up when you are at your absolute lowest. A very kind friend reached out to Keith and said that he would love to send us to New York City for the day. He wanted to bless us when he didn’t even know how badly we needed it. It was a huge gift that was far from necessary and one we could never repay. But our hearts were full and we couldn’t wait to make memories in my favorite city as a family of 3. I grew up visiting the city often with my family at Christmastime and even took classes at NYU one summer, but Keith had never been! I was so excited to get to experience it for the first time with my 2 favorite boys.

This day will definitely be at the top of Liam’s Bucket List.



