the best part of me
It is the greatest honor of my life that God chose me to be Liam’s Mama. Carrying him these 22 weeks is nothing short of a miracle.
Many days I question God - “why would you give me this baby if you are just going to take him right back?” But the truth is, his life is already a miracle. He’s already beaten so many odds. Each week that his heartbeat remains strong is a gift. I don’t take a day with my Liam for granted. So even though I still question the “why,” I truly could not imagine a life without loving and knowing Liam. When I get to heaven, my first question will be why. I don’t have to know right now, I just have to remain faith filled that he knows exactly what he is doing and what is to come.
Liam- No one on this earth loves you more than I do or celebrates your life more. You are my greatest gift and you gave me the title that I’ve desired for as long as I can remember - mommy. You have shaped me into a mom in more ways than I could have ever dreamt. You have taught me how to love unconditionally and surrender everything to God. You have shown me how to find strength when I have none. Your little life has changed me entirely and I know it will change others. I promise to always celebrate your life and share your story with as many as I can because it matters. You are our strong warrior and a world changer William Bennett. I am so proud to call you mine. You are and will forever be the best part of me.